Parent Behavioral Training


Parenting is hard. There are endless books to tell us how to do it. However, they aren’t always very useful. That’s because every child is different. Some are more flexible and adaptable, while others are more stubborn and defiant; sometimes these behaviors are related to personality, and other times they stem from ADHD or other disabilities. And even the easiest of kids can sometimes get out of control. Parent behavioral training is a powerful tool for parents who feel overwhelmed by conflict and stuck as to how to help their family. These evidence-based programs don’t have strict rules to follow. Instead, parent behavioral training programs teach parents a set of strategies to establish better communication with their child. Listen to Braintrust CEO and Co-Founder, Mara Koffmann, in conversation with psychologist, Dr. Melanie Fernandez, to learn more about parent behavioral training.

Key Takeaways

  • Positive reinforcement is always the best policy because kids want the approval of their parents. Don’t concentrate on what the child is doing wrong. Instead, celebrate what a child does well. This will lead to more positive interactions.

  • Rewarding good behavior can be effective. Of course it can be frustrating to reward your child for doing what is expected of them. However, it is an investment in more good behavior. Plus, the rewards don’t last forever! They do need to be consistent and frequent in the beginning. However, the rewards should taper off as a new behavior becomes routine.

  • Consistency is key! Parents must be very clear and consistent in order for these interventions to work. Often times reward charts and visual checklists can help to create the structure to make these interventions most effective.

  • These are short-term treatments. Working with a specialist for just a handful of sessions can lead to big results! There are lots of parent behavioral training programs out there, so talk to a psychologist about the best fit for your family.