Our private test prep services are grounded in a customized learning plan. Smarten Up tutors help students quickly zero in on areas of weakness and work through difficulties as they learn new content and strategies. Our goal isn't just to prepare students to take a standardized test, but to become better, smarter test takers.
“We have had the pleasure of working with Karla for over a year. She has been assisting with Math support for our son during his entire Junior year of H.S. and also helped prepare him for the Math section of the the ACT. Karla provided excellent guidance for our son, who has had longstanding struggles with Math. She intuitively understood where he was facing challenges and creatively offered a number of strategies for him to approach his math work. When preparing our son for the ACT, she needed to review a larger quantity of material, and she easily transitioned him through each subject. In addition, she was always willing to speak with us after each session and would follow every session with detailed written reports. She is a gifted instructor and a valuable asset to our son’s team.
““We chose Smarten Up to prepare our son for the ISEE exam because they seemed to think beyond test prep to challenging content and creative ways to make learning fun! Ben not only inspired our son to learn over 400 vocabulary words in 9 months, but to read for knowledge, understanding and enjoyment. The effectiveness of the Smarten Up approach showed up on test day as his scores vastly improved.””