Testing Tips


Compared to the stresses of life under quarantine, test day jitters might feel trivial - but for many students, quizzes and exams are a perennial source of anxiety. Students, parents, and even teachers can become frustrated when performance on test day doesn’t seem to match up with a student’s potential. Test scores aren’t always the most reliable measure of mastery/growth in a subject, it’s true, but if testing is a persistent trouble spot, it’s important to incorporate that pattern as feedback on how students are preparing, and adjust appropriately. Below are a few of our tried and true tips for studying for an exam. 

1. Treat every assignment and reading as a part of your preparation.

The most important element of test preparation comes in the weeks (and sometimes months) before a test, as a student remains actively engaged with lectures and homework assignments, moving from knowing to understanding as they learn so that, when it comes time to study, they are already beginning from a place of confidence, rather than starting from scratch. The test is not a separate, stress-charged event in this model, but the natural culmination of weeks of learning. In concrete terms, this means that students should be taking clear notes and creating study materials as they learn the content, keeping up with readings and assignments, and independently reviewing at the end of every shorter unit.

2. Distribute practice by spreading out your studying.

Studies have shown that if you believe a test will require four hours of studying in the week of the exam, it is much more effective to split up this time into smaller chunks, spread out over multiple days, than to cram all four hours on the night before the exam. So…

3. Make a clear study plan.

It isn’t always easy for students to manage the many tasks that are thrust upon them—to use time wisely, set up a study plan well in advance of the test, with an explicit schedule for studying that splits up the content over multiple days and a specific plan for which study strategies to employ. 

4. Mix it up by using a variety of strategies.

Different types of content (and different types of tests) will require different strategies—and students should also consider what strategies work best for their specific learning strengths. The more that you can approach a subject from different angles—with flashcards written in your own words, illustrated histories, timelines, online video resources, practice problems, poetic adaptations, mnemonics and memory aides, etc—the more you’ll move from knowing to understanding. Your goal should be to absorb new information with context, thinking about it as a story, rather than memorizing in isolation or by rote. Use a timer to focus for specific periods, and switch between strategies. 

5. Find a buddy (or a student).

Study groups are a great way to stay motivated and trade notes with a peer, whose insight into the specifics of your test might go beyond what a generalized online resource can offer. Even better, studies have shown that teaching content is one of the most effective ways to retain it—with a classmate, take turns teaching one another concepts from your exam, or ask your parents if they need a refresher on selective permeability of the cell membrane (my guess is, they will).

6. Get a good night’s sleep, and stay healthy.

It is tempting to believe that staying up late to cram will help you conquer the test—but the truth is, giving your brain the rest it needs is more important. This is another reason why it’s important to distribute your studying across multiple days! Take care of yourself and your body as if you’re an athlete preparing for an event. That means you should take active breaks, drink water, and eat healthy snacks!

7. After the test, reflect!

Your job isn’t over when the test is done —take a well-deserved break, of course, but then take time to reflect on the study process and the test itself. Think about what worked, so that you can use it again next time. What areas can you identify for improvement next time? Taking a moment to register the feedback your test experience provides is how you’ll become a better student.